Fleurs de Macadam: Transformer le paysage sonore urbain
by Valérian Fraisse Depuis l’année dernière, l’équipe Sounds in the City, en étroite collaboration avec les designers sonores de chez Audiotopie, met en place d...
by Valérian Fraisse Depuis l’année dernière, l’équipe Sounds in the City, en étroite collaboration avec les designers sonores de chez Audiotopie, met en place d...
La chercheuse principale de l’équipe ville sonore, Catherine Guastavino, discute avec les organisateurs du réseau SÉRI de nos projets et nos collaborateurs actu...
Members of Sounds in the City found themselves in the lovely city of Ghent, Belgium for a symposium on urban sound. Christine Kerrigan was one of about two doze...
Un membre de notre équipe, Romain Dumoulin, présente comment la ville anticipe et gère les bruits urbains. Aujourd’hui, l’approche courante est basée sur les nu...
Concordia journalist Benjamin Languay sits down and talks with Daniel Steele and Romain Dumoulin from Sounds in the City and gives his take on the sounds of Mon...
by Cynthia Tarlao Our team was invited to participate in a workshop on sound ecology and active listening at the Lucien-Pagé secondary school in Villeray in Feb...
Sounds in the City principal investigator, Catherine Guastavino, and Pierre Michaud, composer for RYTHMOPOLIS and Associate Professor at the University of Montr...
Head over to Le Devoir to see an interview with our Principal Investigator, Catherine Guastavino. She talks about our involvement in evaluating the sounds and u...
by Mariana Mejia You may have visited the Montreal Botanical Gardens before, but have you ever visited before sunrise? Our upcoming soundwalk, a collaboration w...
Sounds in the City was nominated by McGill and Quartier de l’Innovation as an exemplar of cross-sectorial collaboration and was featured at the Montreal Innovat...