Calendar of Events

On this page, you will find links to events hosted by the Sounds in the City team in Montreal, as well as events from individual members and relevant events from our international collaborators taking place where our network is active.

June 2021

Sonic environment sessions 2021

Time: June 2-3, 2021, 8:30 to 12:30
Location: Virtual event

Language: French only

Presented by the Order of Quebec Urbanists (OUQ), this is a two half-day conference that explores issues related to sound in urban planning. Presenters will “attend” from France and Quebec. Noise and urban nightlife is the special interest topic for second half-day.

Event is a collaboration between the MSSS, the MTQ, the MAMH, the MELCC, the INSPQ, the city of Montreal, the OUQ, and research groups from McGill, ÉTS, and Laval universities.


April 2021

Urban Sound Symposium 2021

Time: April 19-21, 2021
Location: Ghent, Montreal, Nantes, Zurich, Berlin, London (online)

Language: English only

Follows on the successful 2019 Urban Sound Symposium hosted in Ghent, Belgium.

The symposium will turn this challenge into an opportunity giving easier access to practitioners and experts from around the globe that are confronted with urban sound in their professional activities. It will be organized simultaneously in Ghent, Montreal, Nantes, Zurich, London and Berlin by researchers at Ghent University, Mc Gill University, Université Eiffel, EMPA, UCL and TU Berlin. The online happening will create opportunities for interaction between participants at poster-booths, virtual coffee tables, and will even includes social activities.


January 2020

10th Colloquial Colloquium

Time: Tuesday January 28th, 2020 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: CIRMMT, A832
Price: gratuit

Language: English only

Sounds in the City presenter: Mariana Mejia

Presentation on the vision and goals of the celebration of 100 years of radio broadcasting in Canada.

November 2019

Journées du bruit environnemental

Time: November 12-13 2019 from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm
Lieu: Palais des Congrès

Language: French only

Sounds in the City presenter: Catherine Guastavino

Two days on the topic of environmental noise, sources of urban noise, preventive measures and concrete actions for noise management. This conference is aimed at planners, municipal leaders and citizens. The conferences and panels will facilitate exchanges on this complex problem about which the government of Québec seeks more effective action plans.

For more info (French only) :

September 2019

Sounds in the City: science literacy week

Time: Wednesday Sept. 18th at 10:30
Location: Marvin Duchow Music Library, McGill University, room A412
Price: free

Language: English

Sounds in the City presenters: Catherine Guastavino, Cynthia Tarlao, Daniel Steele

We will present a novel, resource-oriented perspective and nourish creative solutions to make cities sound better.

A short presentation of the Sounds in the City project will be followed by interactive demonstrations of urban soundscape interventions.


Initiative on Cities in Boston: Soundwalk and discussion

Time: Tuesday September 10 from 12:00 to 1:30
Location: Initiative on Cities 75 Bay State Rd. Boston, MA 02215
Price: free

Language: English

Sounds in the City presenters: Daniel Steele, Edda Bild

How does the urban sound environment influence how we use and understand cities? Noise can negatively impact our mental and physical health, but can sound also promote our sense of well-being? And what efforts have been done to shape and manage the future of urban sound?

Join the Initiative on Cities as we invite Erica Walker, founder of Noise and the City and the Community Noise Lab at Boston University, and Daniel Steele and Edda Bild, from Montreal’s Sounds in the City, to discuss their research and projects focused on urban sound. Register below:

Talk is preceded by a soundwalk led by Daniel Steele that is not to be missed. Make sure you sign up for that as well:!

July 2019

WORKSHOP - Co-designing soundscapes of public spaces: Integrating new technologies and approaches

Time: Friday July 5 from 9:00 to 4:30
Location: CIRMMT
Price: free

Language: French and English
Targeted audience: urban designers, architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, and anyone else working on public space projects or interested in the future of our cities.

Presenters: Catherine Guastavino, Daniel Steele

Come join Sounds in the City for an interactive workshop where you can learn about a wide range of sound rendering technologies available and experiment first-hand by designing soundscapes from scratch.

May 2019

SÉRI Montreal @ SAT

Time: Tuesday May 14 from 08:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Society for Arts and Technology (SAT)
Price: free

Language: French and English
Targeted audience: General public

Presenter: Catherine Guastavino, along with Sounds in the City students

Sounds in the City will make an appearance at the SÉRI Conference taking place at the Société des arts technologiques (SAT). Come out and talk to us about our research and projects: by invitation only.

April 2019

Good Vibrations in Berlin

Time: Tuesday April 23 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Technical University of Berlin, Einsteinufer 17c
Price: free

Language: English
Targeted audience: Academic

Presenter: Daniel Steele

Daniel Steele presents “Adding Sound to Reduce Perceived Loudness and Other Reasons to Collaborate with Cities” in Berlin, Germany. The talk, for the Forschungskolloquium of the Technical University of Berlin (TUBerlin), covers lessons learned from three added sound interventions in Montreal. The talk is free and open to the public.

Bringing Sound into urban public place design

Time: Friday April 5 from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Location: Universiteit Gent – Het Pand, Gent, Belgium
Price: by conference registration

Language: English
Targeted audience: Academic and practice

Presenter: Christine Kerrigan

Christine Kerrigan will speak at the Urban Sound Symposium in Ghent, Belgium. In addition to covering some of our Montreal projects, she will impart 7 pieces of advice for soundscapers who work with city makers (or want to).

Christine will also serve as a member of the Soundscape Hackathon jury:

December 2018

Projet Ville Sonore : Analyse comparative de règlements portant sur le bruit urbain

Time: Thursday December 7 from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
Location: Université de Montréal, Pavillon Jean-Brillant, B-3345, 3200, rue Jean-Brillant

Price: free

Language: French
Targeted audience: Academic and general public

Presenter: Catherine Guastavino

Information and abstract:

September 2018

Experts en résidence - Redonner sa place aux bruits de la nature… une recette pour mieux vivre?

Time: Saturday September 15 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: Espace pour la vie
Price: free

Language: French
Targeted audience: General public

Presenter: Catherine Guastavino, along with 7 other experts

Information and registration:

August 2018

Berliner Archives Exploration: Montreal music industry of the 1940s and 1950s

Time: Saturday August 4 at 2:30 PM
Location: Musée des ondes, 1001 rue Lenois, local E-206, Montréal (Québec) H4C 2Z6

Price: $5. Museum entrance included.

Language: English with other events in French
Targeted audience: General public

Presenters: Mariana Mejía Ahrens

Information and registration:

July 2018

Berliner Archives Exploration: Montreal music industry of the 1940s and 1950s

Time: Saturday July 21 at 2:30 PM
Location: Musée des ondes, 1001 rue Lenois, local E-206, Montréal (Québec) H4C 2Z6

Price: $5. Museum entrance included.

Language: English with other events in French
Targeted audience: General public

Presenters: Mariana Mejía Ahrens

Information and registration:

Promenade à l'aube: bruits et silences au lever du jour

Time: Saturday July 14 from 4:00 AM to 7:00 AM
Location: Montreal Botanical Garden
Price: $18. Registration required.

Language: French
Targeted audience: General public

Presenters: Catherine Guastavino et Jean-Philippe Gagnon

Information and registration:

May 2018

Sounds in the City at C2 Montreal

Time: Wednesday May 23 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Place: The Arsenal
Price: By registration

Language: French
Targeted audience: Commerce + Creativity

Sounds in the City will be among other multi-sectorial Montreal projects featured during a session at C2 Montreal.

Sounds in the City Workshop

Time: Tuesday May 15 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Place: ITHQ
Price: Free

Language: French and English
Targeted audience: Urban planners, designers, architects, general public

Schedule and registration:

What role does sound play in the design of our public spaces? How can we identify and preserve good quality urban sound environments?

This workshop includes presentations, site visits, case studies and round table discussions. These activities will allow us, on the one hand, to identify Montreal sound environments that contribute to the richness and diversity of the city and, on the other hand, to propose practical solutions to ensure their preservation in urban areas.

The workshop is designed especially for urban designers, architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, and anyone working on public space projects or interested in the future of our cities. No sound expertise is required, and everyone is welcome.

If weather permits, a sound walk will take place from the The Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), 3535 Saint-Denis Street, Montreal.

The venue and workshop are wheelchair accessible.

December 2017

Sounds in the City: comparative analysis of urban noise regulations

Time: Thursday December 7 from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
Place: UQAM, EBSI – B-3345
Price: Free

Language: French
Targeted audience: Academic, open to all


Conférencière :

Catherine Guastavino est professeure agrégée à l’Université McGill où elle détient une chaire de recherche William Dawson. Elle a reçu un doctorat en psychoacoustique de l’Université Paris 6 et un postdoctorat en psychologie cognitive de McGill avant de se joindre à l’École des sciences de l’information de McGill en 2005. Elle est membre du Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en musique, médias et technologie (CIRMMT)  et membre associée de l’École de musique Schulich de McGill.

Résumé de la conférence :

Le premier règlement portant sur le bruit à Montréal fut adopté en 1976 et peu modifié depuis. Pourtant de nombreux travaux de recherche académique sur les ambiances sonores urbaines présentent des pistes prometteuses pour la gestion du bruit en ville.

Notre équipe de recherche Ville Sonore regroupe des chercheurs de McGill et l’Université de Montréal, des professionnels de la Ville de Montréal, ainsi que des consultants en acoustique et design de l’environnement. Notre objectif est de créer un laboratoire vivant sur les ambiances sonores des espaces publics à Montréal afin de mieux comprendre comment l’aménagement urbain et la qualité de vie passe aussi par le sonore.

Je présenterais la première étape du projet Ville Sonore qui consiste à proposer des révisions à la réglementation actuelle basée sur des données probantes. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé une base de données des règlements portant sur le bruit de grandes villes en Amérique du Nord et Europe. Nous cherchons à comprendre les points communs et les différences qui existent entre ces documents au moyen d’un codage itératif qui indique, par exemple, les différentes sources sonores règlementés et les différents éléments de contrôle.

Cette base de données servira à établir des bonnes pratiques en gestion de bruit urbain. Elle sera mise à la disposition du public pour aider les chercheurs et les praticiens qui désirent entreprendre des études comparatives.

Ce projet est financé par le Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Humaines.


October 2017

Stop the noise! (Midis Ville-Marie)

Time: Wednesday October 4 at noon
Place: Promenade McTavish
Price: Free

Language: French
Targeted audience: General public (in French only)

Meeting with Romain Dumoulin

Sounds of engine, horns, ventilation, construction sites. Although it has an impact on our well-being, the sound environment is often overlooked in urban development. How to fix it? What are the ways to make our neighborhoods havens of peace?

March 2017

In Pursuit of Silence - film screening

Time: Tuesday March 28 at 6:00 PM
Place: 200 Sherbrooke Street West, Room SH-2800, Montreal, QC
Price: $ 8.00 for adults, $ 4.00 for students and seniors

Language: film in English, followed by a discussion in French
Targeted audience: General public (in French only)

What room do we make for silence in our lives? Modernity, urbanity, technology… Are we being pulled into an ever more deafening whirlpool?

From the anechoic chamber of Orfield Labs in Minneapolis to the noisy streets of Mumbai, through Kyoto, Alaska and New York, this documentary offers a reflection on the impacts of noise and tracks down silence in the deepest corners of the world… and of individuals!

The screening will be followed by a discussion with Romain Dumoulin, acoustician, project manager at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) at McGill University, and research assistant at the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal.

February 2017

RSA Brighton: The Future of Urban Sound Planning

Time: Wednesday February 22 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Place: Sallis Benney Theatre, University of Brighton, 58-67 Grand Parade, Brighton, UK
Price: Free. Registration required

Language: English
Targeted audience: General public, urban planners, soundscape researchers—22-feb

“Do we need a fundamentally new approach to urban sound planning?

Brighton and Hove has been at the centre, globally, of new work challenging conventional approaches to urban planning and noise. Bold, innovative projects including the ground-breaking arts based intervention West Street Story have put Brighton and Hove at the heart of the emerging new science of ‘soundscape’.

Join us for an evening filled with interactive, provocative, and creative explorations of how sound connects us through arts, culture, and urban sound planning.”

November 2016

Animating pedestrian zones in the sonic dimension

Time: Thursday November 17 and Friday November 18
Animating pedestrian zones in the sonic dimensionPlace: 527 Sherbrooke Street West, 8th floor, Room A832, Montreal, QC
Price: Free. Registration required

Language: English
Targeted audience: Urban planners

Thursday November 17 from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM (by invitation only)
Site tours followed by a reception

Friday November 18 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Presentations, discussions, breakout sessions, demonstrations, and lab tours

“Pedestrianized areas have grown significantly in popularity in the previous decades, especially in urban commercial environments and especially in the City of Montreal. These spaces can become landmarks for the city when they work well (think Ste-Catherine, NYC’s Times Square, or Stuttgart’s City Centre), or they can become heavily politicized scapegoats when they don’t. One aspect of these places that is never discussed is how they sound to visitors and whether their overall soundscape can influence their success. We’d like to gather experts on planning, pedestrians, and soundscapes for an engaging discussion.”

Co-organized by Goethe-Institut Montreal, McGill University, and the City of Montreal as part of the McGill Innovation Week

September 2016

Urban Public Space and Data Gathering: Sound and the Amsterdam Acoustic Experience

Time: Friday September 23 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Urban public space and data gathering: sound and the Amsterdam acoustic experiencePlace: University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Price: Free. Registration required before September 16

Language: English
Targeted audience: Soundscape researchers, urban planners, artists

“Public spaces are spaces of contention, negotiation and continuous transformation. Despite being on the agenda of countless research initiatives and policies, public spaces are at the core of new urban challenges that arise as new technologies develop, societies change, and political systems transform. To address these constant challenges, we propose to bring together researchers from different disciplines… in a workshop on urban public space.”

With participation from: Centre for Urban Studies (CUS), McGill University (Canada), Amsterdam Centre for Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), INCAS 3, and Gemeente Amsterdam.

Montreal Soundwalk

Time: Thursday September 8 at 5:30 PM
Place: 3700 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC
Price: $ 12.00 for adults, $ 8.00 for students and seniors

Language: French
Targeted audience: General public (in French only)

Cars, ventilation systems, construction, sounds of the city: is our environment too noisy? Many cities around the world are trying to limit their noise pollution. What about Montreal? Do urban planners and architects take this dimension into account? What do the city’s noise regulations say? A guided walk to listen to the city, measure its noise levels, and better understand the urban sound environment.

August 2016

Montreal Soundwalk

Time: Thursday August 25 at 5:30 PM
Place: 3700 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC
Price: $ 12.00 for adults, $ 8.00 for students and seniors

Language: French
Targeted audience: General public (in French only)

Cars, ventilation systems, construction, sounds of the city: is our environment too noisy? Many cities around the world are trying to limit their noise pollution. What about Montreal? Do urban planners and architects take this dimension into account? What do the city’s noise regulations say? A guided walk to listen to the city, measure its noise levels, and better understand the urban sound environment.